
The GitHub repository contains may examples on how to invoke OpenGJK from various languages and packages. These are listed and briefly described below.

C and C++

After cloning the repository, open a terminal window in the parent folder of OpenGJK and type:

cmake -E make_directory build
cmake -E chdir build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build build
cmake -E chdir build/examples/c/ ./example_lib_opengjk_ce

If you get an error, make sure you have CMake and a modern C compiler.

If you want the C++ version of this example, simply compile with a C++ compiler.


This example is based on Mono and is the starting point for calling OpenGJK in Unity. Moreover, it will show how to compiler OpenGJK in single precision.

After cloning the repository, open a terminal window in the parent folder of OpenGJK and type:

cmake -E make_directory build
cmake -E chdir build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_MONO=ON -DSINGLE_PRECISION=ON ..
cmake --build build --target opengjk_ce
cmake -E chdir build make install
cd examples/cs/ && mcs -out:main.exe main.cs && mono main.exe


Golang is a powerful tool and this example was contributed by someone on Github! The current Go version on which this is tested is 1.15.

After cloning the repository, open a terminal window in the parent folder of OpenGJK and type:

cd examples/go/openGJK 
go build
go test -v

Matlab and Octave

If you have Matlab installed, in the command line type the following

cd exaples/matlab
matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -wait -r "runme"

The first run will take a while because Matlab compiles a mex file, but you should then see the logo of OpenGJK popping up in your screen:

Alternatively, with Octave run:

cd examples/matlab/
octave runme.m

In this case there will be no graphical output.


We explored three different binding solutions between C and Python: PyBind11, Ctypes and Cython.


The C functions are wrapped using PyBind11 in an C++ implementation created by Dr Chris Richardson. This also uses eigen, making the interface between data type very efficient and easy to understand.

The implementation has not been merge into the master branch, but can be found here.

Some of the tests on OpenGJK use this Python interface and rely on pytest. Once this is installed, you can run

python3 -m pytest -s -v test.py

A full example, including compiling script, can be found in this GitHub CI file.


These are currently works in progress and the idea is to provide a clearer overview of what can be achieved with these libraries. As before, examples including compiling scripts, can be found in this GitHub CI file.